How to Purchase an Eclipse Jet
"Let's Take the Jet." It's Just Fun to Say.
Purchasing an Eclipse Jet is simple and hassle-free. All costs and options are presented up front in a simple aircraft order form. Customers then choose the features that they want to add to their jet and return the order form and their aircraft deposit. Deposits, progress payments, and standard and optional features are detailed below.*
We've Simplified the Purchase Process
Purchasing an aircraft has never been so incredibly simple! When it's your time to buy an Eclipse 550, we will send you a simple 4-page contract. The first page will outline the standard features that come with the airplane and allow you to choose from our optional features (all listed below). On the second page you choose your 550's striping pattern, paint colors, and interior. The last two pages are the terms. Read through the T&Cs and sign the bottom. Your Eclipse 550 is on its way.
Eclipse 550 Purchase:
Standard Configuration
- Dual Avio Integrated Flight Management System
- 5-Year Factory Warranty**
- 5-Year Eclipse Advantage**
- Standard P&WC Engine Warranty***
- PWC Gold Engine Plan
- One Type Rating Training Course (Offered through SimCom or factory direct)
- RVSM Eligible
- ADS-B Out Enabled
- Anti-Skid Brakes
- PPG Glass Windshields
- New High Resolution Displays on MFD / PFD
- Integrated Autopilot Coupled Guidance
- Standby Display Unit (Pilot Side)
- XM Weather Integration on Moving Map
- WAAS Precision Approach Capability (LPV)
- 5-seat Configuration
- Premium Leather Interior
- 110-volt Outlets with USB Ports
- Deluxe two-tone paint color option selected by Buyer from standard selections
- Standard documentation to include Aircraft Flight Manual and Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Optional Features
- Auto Throttles
- Enhanced Vision
- Part 135 Package
- Radar Altimeter
- Standy Display Unit (Co-Pilot Side)
- Stormscope
- Synthetic Vision
- TAS (Traffic Alerting System)
- Iridium Phone
- Foreign Export Configuration (includes ADF and DME)
- Sixth Seat
* All prices and features are subject to change without notice
** See separate Aircraft Warranty Agreement / Advantage Agreement
*** See P&WC Engine Warranty Agreement
5-Year Factory Warranty: Standard

Eclipse 550 Warranty
The Eclipse 550 Warranty includes a 5-year, 1,000 hour guarantee on workmanship, parts, and labor, subject to the
below exclusions. This warranty program runs concurrently with the all-new
Eclipse Advantage Program which covers all required, scheduled
maintenance for the first 5 years you own your Eclipse 550!
Warranty Exclusions
Exclusions to the Eclipse warranty are for items traditionally not covered by an aircraft warranty such as: engines,
engine accessories, consumable parts and materials (e.g. batteries, brakes, tires, lamps, fuel, oil, oxygen, filters,
gaskets, o-rings, fasteners, etc.), routine maintenance, scheduled replacements of life limited components, routine
inspections and, repair or replacement due to normal wear and tear or exposure.
Easy Advantage Program

The Eclipse Advantage Program includes all standard labor and parts costs for required, scheduled inspections including the 300 hour, 24 month inspection, the 1,200 hour, 48 month inspection, the structural inspection for increased Airworthiness Limitations, as well as lesser inspections such as battery cap checks, fire extinguisher inspections, and more.
Read the complete press release HERE.
Want to learn more? Contact an Eclipse representative today.
Easy Financing Options

Don't know where to start when looking for aircraft financing? We have a select number of financial institutions that are familiar with the Eclipse Jet and have given financing to buyers like you recently. CONTACT US and we'll provide you with a current list of providers.
Insure Your Eclipse

Eclipse jets are insured by a number of different insurance carries throughout the United States. If you would like a list of various insurance representatives and their respective companies, please CONTACT US and we'll provide you with a current list of providers.
Intelligent, Simple Design
For Remarkable Comfort
The standard all-leather interior in the Eclipse 550, complete with fully reclining seats and plenty of legroom.